Blithe Days - Gift Card
'Blithe Days' - square Gift Card printed with my original painting from a 'Country Gal' Series, includes a removable poem (see below).
Folded card to size 15 x 15cm (6x6")
Comes with an envelope.
Blithe Days show a little girl playing with grains of wheat, treating her surroundings in the countryside as a playground. Feeling present, in the moment, nonjudgemental. The world surprises and delights her. Don't we all long for this feeling of peace and belongingness? Everything that surrounds her is new and exciting. Every moment brings new opportunities. And she dwells in every moment with all her beingness. If only we could remember that we all have this feeling of wonder in us. We were born with it! It's often suppressed but it is only our choice to dig it out again!
Poem by Beata Dagiel